vietnam to welcome two meteor showers this november picture 1
Vietnamese astronomy enthusiasts will have the chance to observe two meteor showers this November. (Source:

On November 4 local astronomy lovers will be able to enjoy the sight of the Taurid meteor shower as it reaches its peak at night.

These showers tend to produce infrequent, slow, and long-lasting meteors associated with comet Encke, a small comet with a nucleus measuring approximately 2.98 miles (4.8 km) in diameter. 

Viewing conditions for the 2023 Taurid meteor showers will be good as the moon will only be 2% illuminated, according to information posted on the website 

Furthermore, local astronomy lovers will have the opportunity to watch the Leonid meteor shower which is active between November 3 and December 2, with this year the phenomenon set to peak on November 17 and November 18. 

The Leonids are widely considered to be some of the fastest meteors, zipping through the sky at 44 miles, equal to 71 kilometres, per second, according to NASA. This can also result in impressive fireballs producing long, bright, and colourful meteor streaks. 

The moon will be 23% illuminated on the date of Leonid's peak meaning that it should not interfere with viewing opportunities too much, the website wrote.

In order to best see the Leonids, enthusiasts are encouraged to go to the darkest possible location, lean back, and relax. Observers don’t need any equipment such as telescopes or binoculars as the secret to a good meteor viewing experience is to take in as much of the sky as possible.

In addition, viewers should be sure to allow roughly 30 minutes for observers’ eyes to adjust to the dark, the website suggested.

Source: VOV