Vietnamese students have won four gold medals at the 15th Hanoi Maths Open Contest.


The 15th Hanoi Maths Open Contest concluded yesterday, March 29

The competition took place in Hanoi from Mach 26 to March 29, attracting 534 contestants from Vietnam and eight countries and territories. They engaged in individual and team competition at both junior and senior levels, using English.  

This was the first time the event saw the participation of foreign students.

Vietnamese students won four in among 11 gold medals along with those from Indonesia, Poland and Thailand.

The best team competition prizes were granted for the Philippines’ junior level students and Vietnam’s senior level students.

Le Duc Hieu from Hanoi Amsterdam High School for the Gifted, who received the silver medal for the individual category and the gold medal for the team category, said that he was very happy to participate. This was a good chance for him to learn from the experiences of international students. It also helped improve his English as well.

Dtinews/Lao Dong