Deputy Minister of Defence, Sen. Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh has affirmed that Vietnam considers the European Union (EU) as an important partner and wishes to further develop bilateral defence ties. 


Deputy Minister of Defence Nguyen Chi Vinh

During a reception in Hanoi on June 28 for Ambassador Bruno Angelet, Head of the EU Delegation to Vietnam, Vinh said the two sides boast potential cooperation areas such as increasing the exchange of high-level visits towards building a defence policy dialogue mechanism, sharing experience in search and rescue activities, post-war recovery and training. 

Angelet updated his host on the EU’s developments in various areas, including security-defence. 

He said Vietnam and the EU are well-positioned to develop defence ties, suggesting they strengthen cooperation between research agencies and in UN peacekeeping missions while considering a plan to establish a defence policy dialogue mechanism between the two sides.