VietNamNet Bridge - In written reply to questions sent by foreign correspondents on Wednesday during his visit to the Philippines, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung affirmed that Vietnam is never the first to use military means and would never unilaterally start a military confrontation unless the country is forced to take self-defense actions.


PM Nguyen Tan Dung in Manila. Photo Nhat Bac.

The PM said that Vietnam has endured untold suffering and losses from past invasive wars so it is always Vietnam's earnest desire to have peace and friendship for national development. 

He confirmed that Vietnam has been consistent in pursuing peaceful means by making use of every opportunity, every dialogue channel to peacefully settle the current situation.

"Vietnam has displayed utmost sincerity, honesty, good faith and exercised restraint. However, the response from China has been an increase of force and acts of intimidation and violation, and repeated slanders to blame on Vietnam," he stressed.

He said there is a vast gap between the words and deeds of China. "What China has been doing in the maritime zones of Vietnam in the past days is extremely dangerous, seriously threatening peace, stability, maritime security and safety, freedom of navigation, and cooperation and development in the region and the world," he said.

Reaffirming China's actions in Vietnam’s waters in recent days is extremely dangerous, which seriously threatens peace, stability, security, safety and freedom of navigation, cooperation and development in the region and the world, the Vietnamese PM said that Vietnam resolutely defends its sovereignty and legitimate interests because territorial and marine sovereignty is sacred.

"We always want peace and friendship but this must ensure independence, self-reliance, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and maritime zones. These are sacred and we will never trade them off for some kind of elusive, dependent peace and friendship," he stated.

He said that Vietnam is considering various defense options, including legal actions in accordance with the international law.

No military alliance

Answering the question that in the context of the currently escalating tensions in the East Sea, whether Vietnam considers participating in security alliances or not, PM Nguyen Tan Dung said Vietnam does not join any military alliance against another country. This is the consistent foreign policy of the country.

With regard to China’s illegal deployment of oil the oil rig Haiyang Shiyou 981 that has seriously infringed upon the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of Vietnam, the PM said that Vietnam had communicated and provided factual information to international organizations, governments, political circles, scholars and international press and media.

The UN Secretary-General, leaders of various countries, individuals and international organizations have voiced their grave concerns over the threat of such violations to peace, security and stability in the region.

"I believe that the international community assess the situation correctly and continue to speak out accordingly in order to prevent this serious threat to peace and stability in the East Sea," he added.

He said that Vietnam urges on the international community, countries, individuals and international organizations to continue expressing strong protests against such acts of violation of international law by China. 

Vietnam sticks to peaceful solutions

Answering the question about the relationships between Vietnam and China, the PM emphasized that Vietnam always holds profoundly to its heart the friendship and equal and mutually beneficial cooperation between Vietnam and China, as it not only delivers fundamental, long-term benefits to both Vietnam and China, but also contributes to peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world. If on the contrary, you can surely imagine what would happen.

"I wish to underline again that Vietnam attaches special importance to and does whatever it can to maintain and strengthen good cooperation and friendship with China. Vietnam always sincerely wants to work with China to settle disputes via peaceful means on the basis of the international law, equality and mutual respect," the PM said.

"Regarding China’s illegal deployment of the Haiyang Shiyou 981 drilling rig in Viet Nam’s maritime zones, we vehemently protest such acts of infringement and resolutely protect our national sovereignty and legitimate interest in accordance with the international law," he stressed.

Xuan Linh (from Manila)

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