The US’s growing cooperative relations with Asian countries, including those from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), in various fields, will significantly contribute to regional peace, security and development cooperation.


Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Pham Quang Vinh

Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Pham Quang Vinh made the remarks while addressing a Lunar New Year meeting held by the US-Asia Institute (USAI) in Washington, D.C. on March 2.

The diplomat welcomed important contributions of the USAI and hoped the institute will strengthen coordination with Asian and ASEAN embassies in the US to promote the Asia-US partnership.

The USAI was established in 1979 with a view to fostering the US’s rapports with the Asian-Pacific region at the governmental, parliamentary, and people-to-people levels.

In 2017, the USAI presented a medal to Ambassador Pham Quang Vinh in recognition of his remarkable contributions to the development of ASEAN-US relations on the occasion of the 50th founding anniversary of the bloc and the 40th anniversary of ASEAN-US diplomatic ties.

Earlier the same day, Ambassador Vinh hosted a reception for Kelly McKeague, Director of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) under the US Department of Defense whose mission is to recover missing personnel listed as Prisoners of War (POW), or Missing in Action (MIA).

The two sides spoke highly of the development momentum between Vietnam and the US, including cooperation in humanitarian aid and addressing war consequences such as disarming unexploded bombs and mines left over from war, Agent Orange/Dioxin remediation, and search for the remains of US servicemen missing in action during wartime in Vietnam. 

McKeague thanked the Vietnamese government and people for supporting humanitarian assistance activities and said he is scheduled to visit Vietnam this month to promote mutual trust and bilateral collaboration in the field.-VNA