The Republic of Korea (RoK) on February 3 confirmed the arrest of a Vietnamese citizen who broke through Incheon international airport security to enter the country illegally.


The Vietnamese man is arrested (Source: Yonhap).

Nguyen Van Tan, 25, left Hanoi on a Korean Air flight that was supposed to arrive in Japan on January 29. He was arrested in Daegu city, about 300km southeast of Seoul, on February 3.

While transiting at Incheon international airport, he forced open an automated immigration gate and made good his escape. The RoK later issued a wanted notice nationwide.

Earlier on January 21, a Chinese married couple also sneaked into the country via the automated immigration gate, but were found and arrested after five days of hiding.

On February 2, RoK President Park Geun-hye ordered security to be strengthened at the airport to prevent further possible occurrences.

The RoK’s Board of Audit and Inspection is planning a massive inspection of the airport after a recent series of security breaches.