Dang Thanh Tam
The price of shares of Kinh Bac Urban Development (KBC) has been sliding since early September and closed the November 11 trading session at VND14,600. Its price has been fluctuating, from the peak of VND47,100 in early January to VND29,000 in mid-May before climbing to VND39,000 in early September and decreasing since then.
KBC President Dang Thanh Tam now owns 113.6 million shares (14.8 percent of charter capital) while his daughter, Dang Thi Quynh An, has 13.3 million shares (1.737 percent). Tam’s stock assets have decreased by VND3.4 trillion, while the assets of both the father and daughter have fallen by VND4.2 trillion.
Doan Nguyen Duc
In 2022, HAG shares of Hoang Anh Gia Lai Group saw the sharpest increase after years of being traded at below face value. About 10 million units are traded each session, 3-4 times higher than in previous years.
HAG share prices began increasing sharply in early November 2021, from VND5,000 per share to VND15,700 per share in early January 2022.
However, HAG has suffered during the gloomy stock market recently with market prices falling to below nominal value. HAG was traded at VND6,840 per share on November 11, down 56 percent from its peak.
The group’s chairman Doan Nguyen Duc, who holds 320 million shares, has lost VND2.8 trillion. In total, Duc and his daughter, Doan Hoang Anh, who has 9 million shares, have lost VND3 trillion.
Nguyen Thien Tuan
DIG was once among the ‘hottest’ shares when its price increased in one month from VND52,000 per share in early November 2021 to VND102,000.
However, after climbing to its peak, the price dropped to VND50,000 per share within one month. On November 9, DIG was traded at VND13,400 per share. As prices have been fluctuating, many investors have made fat profits and many others have taken big losses.
Nguyen Thien Tuan, president of DIG, now has 50 million shares (10.09 percent), and his son Nguyen Hung Cuong, vice president, owns 51.2 million (10.25 percent). His daughter Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen, vice president, has 18 million (3.61 percent).
Tuan’s asset value has dropped by VND4.430 trillion, while his family members all have lost VND10 trillion.
Duy Khanh