The Vietnamese and Cambodian judicial ministries signed a 2016 cooperation agreement following talks between their ministers in Phnom Penh on February 29.


Under the agreement, both sides will hold the first judicial conference among provinces sharing borderline with Vietnam and effectively realise an agreement on judicial assistance in civil matters signed on January 21, 2013.

They also aim to sign an agreement on judicial assistance in criminal matters and continue negotiating a convention on the extradition of sentenced persons.

Minister of Justice Ha Hung Cuong, who is on a visit to Cambodia from February 29 to March 2 at the invitation of the Cambodian Ministry of Justice, stressed at the talks that Vietnam wants to lift legal and judicial ties with Cambodia and its judicial sector to new heights, especially since the ASEAN Community was established on December 31.

He also shared Vietnam’s experience in judicial reform and goals for this year.

Cambodian Justice Minister Ang Vong Vathana assured the guest that his ministry treasures the sustainable and effective collaboration with its Vietnamese counterpart.

He also shared experience in fighting drug crimes, disseminating laws to the public and refining legal regulations to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal.

The two ministers said they hope for more active efforts to realise initiatives adopted at the ASEAN Law Ministers’ Meeting, while conducting joint research on issues of regional and global concern, thereby deepening the traditional friendship for mutual development.

On March 1, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Sar Kheng is due to host a warm reception for Minister Cuong.

The same day, the Vietnamese delegation will meet leaders of the Supreme Court and Prosecutor General’s Office of Cambodia.