Kien Giang University of the southern province of the same name signed a memorandum of understanding on April 8 on training and research cooperation with Cambodia’s Royal University of Phnom Penh and Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear.


Overview of signing ceremony

At a working session in Phnom Penh, representatives of the three universities reviewed the outcomes of their cooperation.

Following a previously-signed cooperation agreement from 2018, the Kien Giang University received 53 students from the two Cambodian universities to study for two years.

Along with their studies, Cambodian students are offered chances to participate in cultural and sports exchange activities, thus helping them improve their use of Vietnamese language.

Rector of the Royal University of Phnom Penh Chet Chealy affirmed that the cooperation arrangement has not only brought about benefits for the universities, but also contributed to boosting the two countries’ friendship.

Under the newly-inked document, the Vietnamese educational institution agreed to provide scholarships for 40 students of the two Cambodian universities for the 2019-2020 academic year.

Furthermore, the universities also pledged to foster cooperation in scientific research on preserving varieties of agricultural plants, as well as in applying high technology to produce quick-maturing vegetable varieties. –VNA