Despite an abundance of new options to buy groceries online, Vietnamese consumers still overwhelmingly prefer to shop in stores, the Vietnamese High Quality Product Business Association said on February 14.


Supermarkets are the most favourite shopping destinations.

The association’s Vietnamese High Quality Goods Survey further revealed that supermarkets are the most favourite shopping destinations, followed by convenience stores, and traditional markets.

Although online stores bottom the list, online shopping is possibly expanding as it is favoured by young consumers who have high demands for fashion items, cosmetics, stationery and electronic products, among others.

According to the survey, locally-made goods gained the upper hand over the imported, winning the preference of up to 93 percent shoppers.

Chairwoman of the association Vu Kim Hanh said that 88 percent of the Vietnamese consumers are able to recognise logos of the Vietnamese high quality products and ISO or VietGAP labels. Nearly 99 percent agreed that they feel secure when using certified products.

As consumers are now smarter, they always consider food succulence, products’ good fabric and safety before putting them into the shopping trolleys. Particularly, goods with clear origins and made by renowned brands are prioritised while prices and promotions are old stories now as they are not attractive to most of the shoppers anymore.

In such context, experts said that domestic firms must be well prepared so that their products can gain the competitive edge over the imported, especially after various free trade agreements that Vietnam has joined take effect. Actually, many made-in-Vietnam goods lost their market share as they do not have any quality certification.

Through the survey, consumers voted 542 businesses as producers of Vietnamese high-quality products.

After 23 years, the survey has helped a wide range of enterprises develop their brands. Valuable information is essential for them to have a deeper insight into the market, which is moving in tandem with the development of the Fourth Industry Revolution.-VNA