Minister of National Defence Ngo Xuan Lich is paying an official visit to Cambodia from May 31 to June 1 at the invitation of Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Tia Banh, reported the Quan Doi Nhan Dan (People’s Army) newspaper.


Minister of National Defence Ngo Xuan Lich.

The visit is to promote relations between the two armies with the motto good neighbourness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation, and long-term stability, thus contributing to boosting friendship and sound collaboration between the two countries.

Vietnam and Cambodia signed a defence cooperation plan for 2016 and the years to come in late 2015 with the focus on high-ranking delegation exchanges, deputy ministerial-level defence policy dialogue, young officer exchanges, joint sea patrols, search and collection of remains of Vietnamese soldiers who died in Cambodia, and coordination to manage and protect the shared borderline.