The Vietnamese drama entitled "Aspiration" of Ta Xuyen, directed by Meritorious Artist Lam Tung from the Vietnam National Drama Theatre, has won six awards in Shenzhen, China.


A scene from the drama "Aspiration"  

The show was highly appreciated by the jury and received six awards, including the Best Performance award, the Best Screenplay award, the Best Director award, and the Best Stage Design award, along with the Best Actress award and the Best Actor award for artist Ngo Nhuan and artist Lam Tung, respectively, for their performance of the drama.

The play was inspired by Nguyen Quang Thieu’s short story “Mua Hoa Cai Ben Song” (Season of the River's Mustard Green Flowers), which was written 20 years ago.

The play revolves around the story of a fisherman’s family who live all year round on the water and because of the anger at his decision not to bury his wife on land he asked his children to break off all of their relations with the people on the shore.

Life on a small boat has made the family members live in cramped and uncomfortable conditions. 

They are uncomfortable with the people around them and with themselves. Life is like that until the youngest daughter decides to move her mother's tomb and build her happiness on the shore. She changed her life and that of the other family members.

Nhan Dan