Sun Flower Media has announced a Broadway styed musical ‘The Love Story of Giang Huong’ will come alive this October 14-23 at the Hoa Binh Theatre in Ward 12, District 10 of Ho Chi Minh City.

vietnamese fable comes alive in broadway-styled musical  hinh 0

The play tells the legendary story of a young mandarin who gives up all his worldly possessions and status in society to go to fairyland in search of a young beautiful maiden he by chance once encountered.   

The deeper meaning of the fantasy is that no true love can be achieved without sacrifice, according to Vietnamese folklore.

It's the first time a Broadway-styled musical has been produced building on a Vietnamese fairy tale.

The songs in the performance are the oldies composed by the Vietnamese artists who were strongly influenced by the French romantic music of the last century such as Van Cao, Pham Duy, Trinh Cong Son, etc.

It has been produced by director and playwright Tran Nguyen Thien Huong, music director Nguyen Cong Phuong Nam, stage director Sylvain Merille, choreographer Lan Huu Tri and musical consultant Huynh Thi Hoang Diep.