The Vietnamese film ‘Cha Cong Con’ by director Luong Dinh Dung was named Best Asian Film at the 36th Fajr International Film Festival, held in Tehran on April 27.


Director Luong Dinh Dung (R) at the 36th Fajr International Film Festival 

The Vietnamese film was among 15 shortlisted nominations from 13 film industries lining up for the Best Asian Film title.

The movie won the highest votes from the five-member jury thanks to its creative yet simple way of storytelling.

Addressing the awards ceremony, director Luong Dinh Dung shared that when he was a child, he dreamed that every child would have wings and there would be no boundaries.

“Cinematography reflects a dream for good things and that is the the reason why I pursue filmmaking,” he said.

‘Father and Son’, an adaptation of a short story of the same name written by Dung in 1995, tells the life of a little boy named Ca (Fish). He lives with his blind father, who has spent his entire life by the river.

Ca dreams of touching the clouds and visiting the fairy tale lands described by his father. However, the boy suffers from an incurable disease and cannot wait for the day his father has enough money to take him to the doctor.

The film has won a number of prestigious international prizes, including the Best Cinematography award at the 17th Milano International Film Festival, Best Foreign Feature and Special Jury Award for Outstanding Cinematography at the 26th Arizona International Film Festival, and Indie Spirit Best Storyline award at the 15th Boston International Film Festival, among others.

Taking place from April 19 to 27, the 36th edition of the Fajr International Film Festival screened 15 features and 15 short films by film industries around the world.

Nhan Dan