Vietnamese films

Update news Vietnamese films

Vietnamese films create buzz on screens, Facebook

 VietNamNet Bridge – In Viet Nam, Facebook statuses are a good indicator of which movies are proving popular at the box office. The films “I See Yellow Flowers On The Green Grass” and "I Am Your Grandmother" are two recent examples

Vietnamese film earns $1m in first week

The Vietnamese romantic comedy Em La Ba Noi Cua Anh (Sweet twenty), inspired by the South Korean film Miss Granny, when earned VND26 billion at the box office after just one week in theaters.

Developing a brand for Vietnamese films

 VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnam is developing a brand for Vietnamese films at home and abroad as a way to promote Vietnam’s image to international friends. But this will not be an easy task as it requires greater investments in cinematography

Vietnamese films triumph this summer at the box office

 VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnamese producers hope their films this summer will pay off after spending a lot of time, money and effort in the production process.

VN arthouse movies in Cannes

 VietNamNet Bridge – Two Vietnamese films, Big Father, Small Father and Other Stories and Yellow Flowers on the Green Grass, will be shown at the 68th Cannes Film Festival.

Life's struggles inspire Vietnamese author

 VietNamNet Bridge – Young Vietnamese bestselling author Phan Viet, back in Viet Nam from the US to serve as a judge at the YxineFF film festival, throws more light on her career as a writer in a conversation with Thu Trang.

Number of Vietnamese films rated for 16+ on the rise

 VietNamNet Bridge – The number of movies rated for mature audiences has peaked since the institution of the rating system in Vietnam in 2007.

800 to vie for dance prize

Floor Killer, the fourth Viet Nam recreational dance championship, will be held this weekend in Ha Noi, drawing 800 contestants from Viet Nam and overseas.

Vietnamese films still struggle to meet expectations

VietNamNet Bridge – Almost two weeks after hitting screens nationwide, the heavily promoted Duong dua has been declared a flop, following in the footsteps of many other recent Vietnamese releases which have failed to win audiences' hearts.

Vietnamese films see increasing violence scenes

 VietNamNet Bridge – Many recent Vietnamese films have focused on exploiting violent scenes with many of them being warned by state management agencies to tone down their explicitness.

More sex scenes in Vietnamese movies

According to Google's statistics, Vietnam was always in the top 10 countries in searching for the keyword "sex" in 2008-2012. Is that the reason for sex to become the “ultimate weapon” of Vietnamese movies to draw the audience?