Two fishing boats in the central province of Quang Ngai have complained about being attacked by Chinese ships.


Captain Duong Quang Son's fishing boat attacked by Chinese ships

After back returning to Ly Son Island, captain Duong Quang Son informed local authorities that his vessel had been attacked by Chinese boats.

According to Son, at midday on November 1, while fishing some seven nautical miles north of Woody Island in the Paracel Islands, his boat with 17 fishermen on board was chased and hit by a Chinese ship and two smaller boats.

The captain claimed 10 Chinese crew jumped onto the Vietnamese boat and attacked the fishermen. They also smashed glass doors and the compass, cut anchor lines and caused damage to other boat equipment. Son said the Chinese stole nearly five tonnes of fish, rice and some other items.

Another fishing boat of Quang Ngai Province owned by fisherman Bui Ngoc Thanh also reported a similar incident.

Thanh said that his boat carrying 18 fishermen was hit by Chinese ships on October 30 while fishing some 6 nautical miles from Woody Island.

“Our boat was chased by a Chinese ship and then they boarded us. They destroyed our assets and took away our entire fishing equipment, forcing us to return to the mainland during strong winds,” Thanh said.

Ly Son District authorities have urged the local Fisheries Trade Union to work with the fishermen for verifying the cases before informing them to higher levels.

Earlier, in June and July this year, some fishing boats from Quang Ngai Province were also attacked by Chinese ships while operating in the Vietnamese waters.
