The Vietnamese Embassy in Mozambique called on local agencies to take effective measures in order to ensure security and safety for Vietnamese and their property amid increasing armed conflicts in the country.


Ambassador Nguyen Van Trung made the appeal during his meeting with Mozambique Attorney General Beatriz Buchili on March 30.

He expressed his concern about the outbreak of armed conflict in a number of Mozambican localities, affecting overseas communities, including the Vietnamese community, with multiple social evils like robbery, kidnapping and extortion.

According to the diplomat, employees at Movitel, a joint - venture between Vietnam's military-run telecom provider Viettel and Mozambique's SPI Invespar Company, and a group of Vietnamese agricultural experts are living near areas with armed conflict.

In reply, Beatriz Buchili promised to do her utmost to ensure the safety of foreign investors in these areas, adding that her office will ask the Ministry of Home Affairs and competent agencies to employ effective measures to protect Vietnamese and their property.

She noted her hope that the two countries will soon sign an agreement on judicial support to create a favourable legal corridor for the protection of the rights of the two countries’ individuals, organisations and businesses.

Mozambique stands ready to cooperate with Vietnam to combat cross-border crimes, terrorism, human trafficking, money laundering, wild animal trafficking and high-tech crimes.