President Tran Dai Quang and his Israeli counterpart Reuven Ruvi Rivlin expressed their determination to step up wide-ranging ties, especially in the fields of economy and science-technology, during their talks in Hanoi on March 20.


The talks took place following a welcome ceremony at the Presidential Palace that President Tran Dai Quang hosted for the Israeli President and his spouse on their State visit to Vietnam from March 19-25 at his invitation. 

The Vietnamese leader warmly welcomed the visit, saying that it reflects Israeli leaders’ wish to further deepen the friendship and cooperation between the two countries. 

President Ruvi Rivlin, for his part, expressed his joy to visit Vietnam for the first time and his admiration for Vietnamese people’s determination to defend national independence and their peace-loving spirit.

He said he believes that close liaison between the two governments and business communities would speed up bilateral economic and trade links. 

Expressing delight at the progress of all-faceted coordination across trade, agriculture, science-technology, and training, the two leaders set economic ties as a focus and science-technology as a priority pillar in the countries’ future cooperation. 

Accordingly, they vowed to lift two-way trade to 3 billion USD in the coming years by accelerating negotiations and signing of the Vietnam-Israel Free Trade Agreement (FTA), facilitating trade ties between businesses and localities, and boosting investment in hi-tech agriculture, human resources training, information technology-electronics-communications, and water treatment. 

The Israeli leader committed to assisting Vietnam in treating and cleaning up soil contaminated with Agent Orange. 

Host and guest also discussed ideas to push forward connections across national defence-security, culture, education-training, tourism, and between the countries’ localities. 

On the political front, they were unanimous on increasing the exchange of visits and direct collaboration between ministries, agencies and localities while utilizing the effective role of bilateral cooperation mechanisms, such as the Inter-Governmental Committee and political consultation. 

On regional and global issues of shared concern, the Presidents underscored the important role of cooperation in maintaining peace and stability in the world. 

The Vietnamese side reaffirmed its policy of settling disputes, including the East Sea dispute, by peaceful means and full respect to diplomatic and legal processes in line with basic principles of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. 

Vietnam wishes for early peace in the Middle East, President Quang said, adding that the country supports every effort made by the region, the world and parties concerned to restore peace in the region based on international law and the UN resolutions towards reaching comprehensive, fair, and sustainable solutions to establishing an independent and sovereign Palestinian State which peacefully co-exists with the State of Israel. 

He reiterated Vietnam’s unswerving external policy of being a friend and a reliable partner of other countries and striving for peace, independence and development.

In that policy, Vietnam highly values the development of friendship and cooperation with the Middle East countries, including Israel, and wishes to carry forward the effective and stable Vietnam-Israel ties for the benefit of the two peoples, and for the sake of peace and friendship in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the world, he added. 

Concluding the talks, the leaders met the media to inform them the outcomes of their talks. 

President Quang said both sides lauded the signing of a cooperation agreement on technological innovation, research and development, which will support businesses in the field. 

The host welcomed nearly 30 Israeli firms to Vietnam during the visit to attend two business forums in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, and hoped that a number of partnership contents will be reached. 

The Israeli leader, for his part, stated that his visit will lay a foundation for new partnerships to improve the living conditions of the two countries’ people, especially in hi-tech agriculture, hi-tech water treatment and purification, education, health care, cyber security, national defence-security. 

He believed that the potential of bilateral cooperation is huge and hoped that the bilateral FTA will be signed soon.

Israel is interested not only in bilateral trade cooperation but also in building bilateral ties on the foundation of friendship, he said.

Israeli President wants to expand cooperation with Vietnam

Israel wants to expand cooperation with Vietnam in the fields of agriculture, outer space, and defense security, President Reuven Rivlin told Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc during their meeting in Hanoi on March 20.


Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) receives Israeli President Reuven Rivlin

The President said Israel attaches great importance to the cooperative ties with Asia, including ASEAN, adding that Vietnam plays a crucial role in the bloc.

Israel is keen on investment in education and hopes to share experience and promote cooperation with Vietnam in this sphere, he added.

He supports the collaboration between the two countries’ businesses and suggested the two sides push negotiations to reach the signing of a bilateral free trade agreement in the time ahead.

PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc urged to increase two-way trade to 3 billion USD in the years to come from the current level of 1.3 billion USD via facilitating the entry of key products in the respective markets.

The two sides should support enterprises to seek investment and promote trade and information exchanges on business policies and cooperation opportunities, he recommended.

It is necessary to forge connectivity between chambers of commerce and industry and business associations, he said.

The PM proposed Israel consider the provision of preferential credit packages for Vietnam to implement projects on infrastructure building, poverty reduction, agricultural and rural development, human resources, and natural disaster risk management.

Both countries need to push ahead with negotiations on the bilateral free trade agreement and pay attention to mutual benefits to create a long-term cooperation framework, he said.

He suggested enhancing collaboration in science-technology and prioritising hi-tech agriculture and industry, referring to the successful cooperation in milk cow breeding in southern Ho Chi Minh City and central Nghe An province.

Vietnam hopes Israel to increase the transfer of hi-tech and environmentally friendly technologies to save natural resources and reduce production cost, he said.

He asked the two sides to strengthen affiliation in defense security, particularly in defense industry and cyber security.

The PM called on Israel to work with Vietnam to address Agent Orange/dioxin contamination left over from war.

He also hopes Israel will provide more assistance in human resources training in the fields of its strength such as agriculture, information technology, telecommunication, and science-technology.

Vietnam wants Israel to consider the launch of negotiations on labour cooperation, and in the foreseeable future, receiving Vietnamese workers to work in agriculture and demanding sectors, he added.

Hailing Israel’s start-up model, PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc proposed Israel send experts to help Vietnam in this field, especially at manufacturing facilities and universities.

He also welcomed Israeli businesses to make investment in Vietnam and hoped Israel will create favourable conditions for Vietnamese localities to cooperate with Israeli partners.

Later the day, President Tran Dai Quang hosted a banquet for visiting Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and his entourage.

Party leader: Vietnam treasures multifaceted ties with Israel


Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (R) meets with Israeli President Reuven Ruvi Rivlin on March 20 

Vietnam attaches importance to the friendship and multi-faceted cooperation for peace and development with Israel, said Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong while meeting with Israeli President Reuven Ruvi Rivlin in Hanoi on March 20.

The Party leader welcomed the Israeli President’s State visit and noted with satisfaction the sound development of the two countries’ cooperation, particularly in trade, hi-tech agriculture, science-technology, and military technique.

Both sides should enhance bilateral collaboration by strengthening economic ties, encouraging investment partnerships, increasing delegation exchanges at all levels, and fostering cooperation between their parties, parliaments and peoples. That will bolster mutual understanding and trust, thus improving cooperation effectiveness, he noted

He reiterated Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, cooperation and development, and multilateralisation and diversification of foreign relations on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, and compliance with basic principles of international law.

For his part, President Rivlin expressed his admiration for late President Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese people who fought heroically for national independence.

He spoke highly of Vietnam’s Doi Moi (Reform) achievements and stature in the region and the world, voicing the belief that the country will obtain even greater attainments in the national development and protection under the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

He informed General Secretary Trong about Israel’s situation and the outcomes of his meetings with other Vietnamese leaders.

Rivlin affirmed the willingness and resolve to intensify the countries’ amity and affiliation, especially in science-technology, agriculture, trade, security-defence, and education-training. He asked the two sides to keep capitalising on opportunities and potential to augment bilateral ties in the time to come.

Minister stresses potential for defence cooperation with Israel

Vietnamese Defence Minister General Ngo Xuan Lich received a delegation of Israeli defence businesses in Hanoi on March 20, affirming that the potential and demand for the two countries’ defence cooperation is big.

Lich said the delegation’s visit to attend the first Vietnam – Israel defence industry forum will help strengthen bilateral relations, including in defence.

He also expressed his delight at the recent outcomes of defence cooperation, asking Israel’s defence companies to continue contributing to the two countries’ connections in the time ahead.

Mishel Ben-Baruch, Director of Israel’s International Defence Cooperation Division, and representatives of Israeli businesses informed Minister Lich about some of their cooperation aspects in Vietnam.

They noted that companies in Israel’s defence industry want to further partnerships with Vietnam in the fields that each firm has advantages of, thereby fostering the countries’ relations in a result-oriented manner.