Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong received on June 20 President of the Senate of Haiti Youri Latortue, who said he considers Vietnam’s development as an example of economic reforms for his country.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (R) welcomes President of the Senate of Haiti Youri Latortue in Hanoi on June 20 

Youri Latortue, who is on an official visit to Vietnam, expressed his admiration for the Doi moi (reform) achievements of the Southeast Asian nation.

He informed his host about the outcomes of his talks and meetings with the leaders of the State and the National Assembly of Vietnam. He also briefed about Haiti’s recent situation and thanked Vietnam for the cooperation with and assistance to Haiti.

Haiti wants to enhance cooperation with Vietnam in multiple spheres such as agriculture, transport, telecommunications, and people-to-people exchange, especially the exchange of high-ranking delegations to learn from each other’s experience in country leadership and management, he added.

Congratulating Haiti on its economic reform outcomes and national development, General Secretary Trong described the Vietnam visit by the Haiti parliamentary delegation as a landmark in the friendship and cooperation between the States, parliaments and peoples of the two countries.

He reiterated Vietnam’s consistent policy of intensifying and expanding the friendship and multi-faceted cooperation with Haiti. 

He asked both sides to press on with promoting connections in all aspects, particularly in such potential areas as agriculture, telecommunications and industrial production, thereby substantially contributing to their respective countries’ development.

The Party leader said he believes that the Haitian people will weather all challenges to obtain even greater attainments in building a prosperous and happy nation.

President Tran Dai Quang meets Haitian Senate President

President Tran Dai Quang (R) meets President of the Senate of Haiti Youri Latortue 

President Tran Dai Quang has asserted that Vietnam wishes to develop friendship and all-around cooperation with friendly nations in Latin America and the Caribbean, including Haiti. 

During a reception in Hanoi on June 20 for President of the Senate of Haiti Youri Latortue, President Quang hailed the outcomes of his guest’s talks with National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan as well as working sessions with Vietnamese ministries and agencies. 

Citing the success of military-run telecom provider Viettel’s joint-venture Natcom in Haiti as a model of Vietnam-Haiti partnership, the State leader said the two countries should continue to facilitate Natcom’s operation as well as joint projects to tap their potential, particularly in telecommunications, agricultural-fisheries manufacturing and processing, infrastructure, agricultural machinery and consumer goods. 

The President thanked Haiti for its support to Vietnam at international organisations and multilateral forums, and asked the Latin American country to support Vietnam’s bid to become a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure and Vietnam’s candidate for the post of UNESCO Director General for the 2017-2021 tenure. 

He suggested further strengthening mutual liaison at the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation and Non-Aligned Movement. 

Latortue, for his part, said his visit aims to strengthen bilateral ties and explore possibility of cooperation in new fields. 

Haiti wants Vietnamese firms to extend business operations in the country, and hopes to receive technical assistance so that Haiti could become food sufficient as targeted.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc greets Haitian Senate President

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) meets President of the Senate of Haiti Youri Latortue

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc told President of the Senate of Haiti Youri Latortue during a reception in Hanoi on June 20 that the Vietnamese Government wishes to push forward practical and effective ties with the Haitian Government. 

Phuc hailed the first visit by Latortue as opening a new period of reinforcing bilateral parliamentary ties, and expressed his belief that via the visit, both sides will discuss concrete steps to strengthen relations between the two legislatures and governments. 

The host lauded the gradual refinement of legal framework and bilateral cooperation mechanism, notably the signing of the government-level framework agreement on trade and investment and the establishment of the Inter-Committee on Economic Cooperation and Investment Protection. The two sides also actively negotiated a cooperation agreement on culture, sports and tourism. 

Phuc expressed desire that the two nations will effectively realise signed agreements, including a memorandum of understanding on rice trade signed in December 2012. 

Vietnam and Haiti should maintain close liaison at international organisations and multilateral forums, especially at the United Nations, he said, suggesting that further attentions should be paid to partnership across telecommunications, agriculture, construction, tourism infrastructure, culture, energy, electrical equipment, constructional materials and consumer goods. 

Latortue, for his part, praised the regular exchange of high-level delegations and collaboration in telecommunications and agriculture. 

He said his visit aims to further foster political, cultural, diplomatic ties with Vietnam, and hoped that Vietnam will soon open an embassy in Haiti to promote all-around links. 

Informing the outcomes of his talks with National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, Latortue said both sides agreed to establish the Vietnam-Haiti Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group. 

The guest pledged to offer all possible support to Vietnam’s military-run telecom provider Viettel in Haiti, and wished that the Vietnamese government will direct the group to further expand social investment in the country, contributing to poverty reduction in Haiti. 

Haiti considers Viettel’s involvement in Natcom joint-venture a symbol of bilateral ties, he said. 

In agriculture, Latortue said Haiti will continue buying rice from Vietnam, and asked for Vietnam’s support in high-yield rice production. 

In the morning the same day, he paid floral tribute to late President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum and attended the NA’s plenary session. 

Haitian Senate President wraps up Vietnam visit


President of the Senate of Haiti Youri Latortue pays tribute to the late President Ho Chi Minh

President of the Senate of Haiti Youri Latortue left Hanoi on June 20, concluding his official Vietnam visit at the invitation of National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan. 

During the stay from June 17 -20, Latortue held talks with the Vietnamese NA leader, paid courtesy calls to Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and President Tran Dai Quang, and met Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc. 

He attended a NA plenary session and held working sessions with the Vietnamese military-run telecom provider Viettel and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. 

During meetings, both sides highlighted the visit as the first exchange of delegations between the two legislatures. They agreed to continue maintaining the exchange of all-level visits and mutual support at international organisations and multilateral forums such as the United Nations (UN), the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU). 

Vietnam asked for Haiti’s support of its bid to become member of the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure and the Vietnamese candidate for the post of UNESCO Director General for the 2017-2021 tenure. 

The Haitian side expressed wish to promote links across telecommunications, agriculture and gender equality. 

On regional and global issues of shared concern, including the East Sea issue, the two sides underscored the importance of the settlement of disputes by peaceful means, including diplomatic and legal process in line with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. 

Latortue said the principle of respect for international law is the stance of not only Haiti but also 14 Caribbean countries. 

Both sides agreed to soon establish bilateral friendship parliamentarians’ groups, share experience in parliamentary activities via visits, as well as work closely together at multilateral parliamentary forums.