The Vietnamese Embassy in Japan is working closely with Japanese agencies and relevant units to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of a Vietnamese citizen who recently died in the host country, according to the Foreign Ministry’s Press Information Department on September 27.

Tran Dac Tinh

The department said on September 23, the Embassy’s Consular Department received a request from the family of the victim Tran Dac Tinh asking for help in handling necessary procedures on his funeral.

Tinh was struck by sudden death syndrome and his body is currently kept in Hashima city police’s morgue.

Upon learning of the news, the Embassy was instructed to promptly contact Japanese agencies concerned to provide necessary information and offer support to the victim’s family.

The Embassy of Japan in Hanoi was asked to urgently grant visa to Tinh’s relatives so they can go to Japan as soon as possible to handle his post-death matters.