The Vietnam – Republic of Korea (RoK) Film Festival officially opened in Ho Chi Minh City on November 17, as part of the activities under the 2017 Ho Chi Minh City – Gyeongju World Cultural Festival.


Park Huyn Jin, director of the film 'Minh thich nhau di’ talks at the opening ceremony for the Vietnam - RoK Film Festival. (Credit:

During the six-day event (November 17-22), audiences will have the opportunity to enjoy 12 outstanding free movies from Vietnam and the RoK in different genres, ranging from emotional and psychological to action, history and mystery.

The films are expected to help the Vietnamese audiences to learn more about the life and people in the RoK, as well as bringing the RoK and international friends an interesting experience of the history, land and people of Vietnam.

All eight of the RoK’s films being introduced at the festival have recently been screened in the RoK. At the opening ceremony last night, audiences enjoyed the film ‘Minh thich nhau di’ (Like for Likes) by Park Huyn Jin, which talks about emotions, as well as the different expressions of love.

In addition, four Vietnamese films being screened at the festival include: ‘Co can nha nam nghe nang mua’ (Like an old house), ‘Hotboy noi loan 2’ (Lost in Paradise 2), ‘Sieu trom’ (Bitcoin Heist), and ‘Co Ba Sai Gon’ (The Tailor).

During the festival, a workshop on film production via smartphones will be held for Vietnamese students and audiences.

Also on the occasion of the Ho Chi Minh City – Gyeongju World Cultural Festival, the 2017 RoK – Vietnam Global Youth Entrepreneurship Festival has been held, featuring nearly 20 start-up ideas from students from universities in Vietnam and the RoK.

The highest prizes went to two outstanding projects created by students from Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry: ‘MicroPush’ and ‘Research on Application of 3D Print Technology to support people with disabilities and rehabilitation in orthopedic trauma’.

Representatives of the two winning teams and instructors will receive two full scholarships for starts-up in the RoK in early December.

Nhan Dan