VietNamNet Bridge – Joel Leroy, a world-famous French laparoscopic expert, said that Vietnamese US$2 billion a year on medical treatment abroad. He spoke during a working visit in Hanoi on endoscopy surgery technique transfer, at the invitation of the Chairman of the Hanoi People's Committee Nguyen Duc Chung.  


Photo: Lao Dong

Leroy’s figure is equivalent to an estimation by the Vietnamese Ministry of Health.

According to Leroy, if the amount was used to invest in technical development and medical infrastructure, it would have been enough to apply many kinds of new medical technology in Vietnam.

In addition to medical services in Singapore and Thailand, many well-off people in Vietnam have visited Japan, France, South Korea and other countries for medical treatment to enjoy good quality services.

However, Leroy said that many Vietnamese doctors implement many medical techniques at the same level as their foreign colleagues.

Prof. Leroy is internationally renowned for his famous techniques for laparoscopic surgery.

From January 15-20, the endoscopy expert is being assisted by Prof. Dr. Sarrot Christian from Montsouris Hospital, Paris, Prof. Dr. Michel Delvaux from Nouvel Hospital Civil, University Hospital of Strasbourg, and Prof. Dr. Bretagnol Frederic from Louis Mourier Hospital, Paris in carrying out surgery at Hanoi-based Saint Paul Hospital.

On January 18, Leroy and Delvaux operated on patients suffering from gastrointestinal issues at the Hanoi hospital. The surgeries were recorded and broadcast live in four halls of the hospital for doctors and other medical staff to observe.

The two patients who underwent the surgeries yesterday included NNQ, 65, a native of Thanh Hoa, diagnosed with colon tumors, and NTV, born in 1947, diagnosed with colorectal polyps. The operations were broadcast live at the hospital.

Leroy and Delvaux said that they wanted to bring their experience in specialised laparoscopic surgeries to Vietnamese doctors, and also to exchange information about diagnosis and handling of complications during the post-operative process.

In 2015, Chung invited Prof. Leroy to Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City to visit medical facilities in Vietnam, with the goal of transferring advanced endoscopic techniques to Vietnam’s doctors.

During a visit to Vietnam in November 2015, Leroy accepted the transfer of the technologies to Vietnam with deep feelings for the country and people of Vietnam, especially the passion for learning of the Vietnamese medical staff.

Born in 1949, Prof. Leroy graduated from Lille University School of Medicine (France) and became a famous expert in laparoscopic surgery, professor at prestigious universities and member of associations of laparoscopic surgery and gastrointestinal cancer around the world.

Leroy is the first endoscopy expert to perform colorectal surgery without leaving scars on the abdominal wall. In 2013, he was the first French doctor to win the Pioneer in Surgical Endoscopy Award by the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES). He is currently teaching at Strasbourg's University Hospital.


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