A programme ranking the most sustainable businesses in Vietnam in 2017 was launched on April 18 in Hanoi.


At the launching ceremony

The annual programme, being jointly co-conducted by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and Vietnam Business Council for Sustainable Development (VBCSD) and some ministries and agencies for the second time, aims to honour pioneering and successful enterprises. It also encourages companies in Vietnam to focus on sustainable development plans. 

Speaking at the launch ceremony, Nguyen Quang Vinh, Deputy Secretary General of VCCI, said sustainable companies are usually highly competitive and productive and better at integrating and adapting than firms that put profit above the community and environment.

The Corporate Sustainability Index (CSI) with 151 quantitative criteria for evaluation sets standards for sustainable development for Vietnamese enterprises, according to Dao Dinh Thi, Deputy Chairman of VBCSD.

According to the organising board, enterprises which did not break the law from 2014 to 2016 are eligible to participate in this year’s programme. They are also asked to calculate their CSIs themselves.

The ceremony to announce the most sustainable companies will take place in December this year.

The first programme was launched in 2016, with 400 firms entering.