Four teenage boys from Viet Nam have disappeared in the United Kingdom, sparking a police search to find them.


(clockwise) Tuan Quoc Tran, 17; Kien Van Le, 15; Mahh Van Vo, 17 and Toai Sy Tran, 16 who have been missing in the UK since Thursday. — Photos courtesy of Sussex Police

Tuan Quoc Tran, 17; Kien Van Le, 15; Mahh Van Vo, 17 and Toai Sy Tran, 16 disappeared from St Leonards-on-Sea after they were placed in care after arriving in the United Kingdom.

Sussex police say the boys were originally seeking asylum but vanished on Thursday from the home they were staying in.

They were spotted at a railway station in the town and police say they know the boys took a taxi to Kingston-upon-Thames in London.

St Leonards-on-Sea is a coastal town about 60 miles south of the capital. — VNS