The coastguard of the Philippines on February 20 reported that pirates in southern Philippine waters killed one crewman of a Vietnamese vessel and abducted seven on the evening of February 19, according to foreign media.


Philippine security force controls a pirate ship

The sailors were aboard ship MV Giang Hai with 25 crewmembers, which was attacked near Baguan Island in Tawi-Tawi, an area close to the stronghold of the notorious Abu Sayyaf militant group.

According to Reuters, other 17 Vietnamese sailors on board were rescued by the Philippine coastguard and marine soldiers.

An investigation was underway and the coastguard had launched a pursuit in coordination with the military and police, said Philippine coastguard spokesman Armand Balilo.

Abu Sayyaf group, which has a close link with the Islamic State, is believed to be the culprit of the attack. Well armed and equipped with fast boats and high-tech navigation devices, the group has conducted frequent piracy attacks and kidnapping for ransoms.