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Thu Huong before and after severe weight loss.

The story of Bui Thi Thu Huong (born in 1998, from Duc Hop commune, Kim Dong district, Hung Yen province) has drawn significant attention online following a post calling for donations to support her.

Once a well-known beauty in her village, Huong now weighs a mere 18kg at the age of 26, standing 1.55m tall, after years of improper weight loss methods that led to severe malnutrition.

Photos of Huong before and after her drastic weight loss have shocked many. The once radiant and beautiful Huong now appears gaunt and lifeless.

Family's struggle

Speaking with reporters, Huong’s father, Bui Van Dinh (born in 1975), shared more about his daughter's situation. Huong, the eldest in the family, has a younger sister born in 2011 and a younger brother born in 2013. She grew up healthy and weighed 53kg at 18 years old.

After finishing high school, Huong took a break before starting work at a garment company. During this period, she began her weight loss journey by severely limiting her food intake, avoiding rice altogether.

“After following this diet for over a year, Huong lost 5-7kg. Seeing her lose weight, we advised her to stop the diet and eat rice for strength, but she didn't listen,” Mr. Dinh recalled.

Working long hours made it difficult for Mr. Dinh to monitor Huong's eating habits. By 2021, she weighed only around 40kg. Despite their efforts to make her eat properly, Huong insisted she knew what was best for her health.

In 2022, Huong had a motorbike accident, which exacerbated her condition, leading to further weight loss and eventual job loss due to poor health. Despite numerous hospital visits and extensive testing, doctors found no underlying health conditions, diagnosing her with severe malnutrition instead.

Under medical advice, the family tried to improve her diet, but Huong’s body could not absorb nutrients properly. She could only consume blended rice and small portions of vegetables and meat, and still lost weight, currently weighing only 18kg.

Although mentally alert, Huong is physically weak and dependent on her parents for daily activities.

Community support

Mr. Dinh works as a construction worker and does odd jobs but has to care for his elderly mother and sick daughter, limiting his ability to work. His wife works at a garment factory, and the family relies on her 5 million VND ($230) monthly salary to cover medical expenses, school fees, and living costs.

Despite these challenges, Mr. Dinh remains determined to find a cure for his daughter. “As long as there is hope, we will keep trying. No matter how hard it is, we will do our best to take care of her,” he said.*

Bui Thi Phuong, a relative, initiated a fundraising campaign for Huong. Phuong was shocked to see Huong's condition and decided to help. “When I visited her, I was moved to tears. She was so thin and frail. I’m trying to help as much as I can,” Phuong shared.

Nguyen Van Dinh, head of Duc Hoa village, confirmed the family's difficult circumstances. Although not officially classified as poor, the family faces significant financial challenges. The local community has provided occasional support.

Thanh Minh