Legal advice was given to Vietnamese guest workers in the Republic of Korea (RoK) at a meeting with representatives of Vietnamese agencies in Gimhae city on October 28.


Vietnamese Deputy Ambassador to the RoK Tran Truong Thuy addresses the meeting with Vietnamese workers in the country 

Vietnamese Deputy Ambassador to the RoK Tran Truong Thuy said guest workers in the country have swiftly integrated into local society and working environment. Their industriousness, intelligence and skills have also been highly valued by Korean employers and authorities, helping to address manpower shortages in the RoK, he said.

However, some labourers have intentionally stayed here to work after their labour contracts expired, which has affected the image of Vietnamese guest workers as well as the country’s labour cooperation with the RoK, Thuy noted.

Thuy expressed his hope that guest workers in the RoK, including in Gimhae city, will uphold Vietnamese’s fine virtues like industriousness and creativity while further complying with labour contracts and local law.

At the meeting, Dang Si Dung, Deputy Director of the Department of Overseas Labour under the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA), also called on Vietnamese labourers in the RoK to repatriate on schedule so as to have more chances to come back to work legally and earn good incomes in the Northeast Asian nation in the future.

Over the past years, labour cooperation has always been an important field in the bilateral strategic partnership. The two nations have carried out an apprenticeship programme since 1992 and another on sending Vietnamese workers to the RoK under the employment permit system since 2004.

According to the Department of Overseas Labour, more than 100,000 Vietnamese labourers have been sent to work in the RoK so far under the cooperation programme between the MOLISA and the RoK Ministry of Employment and Labour.-VNA