vietnamnet news

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American fosters needy kids

 VietNamNet Bridge – To hundreds of unfortunate children and young women in the central province of Quang Nam, successful American entrepreneur Robert Kalatschan and his family are more than donors,

Investors chasing after big hotels in Hanoi

VietNamNet Bridge - Thang Loi, Hilton and Kim Lien and hotels of the State Capital Investment Corporation (SCIC) are seeking new investors.

Sacred animals tell history of Vietnam

 VietNamNet Bridge – Mythological animals that star in ancient tales and art play a vital role in religious beliefs and perspectives on life.

Vietnamese hackers suspected of attacking Anonymous’s web chat

VietNamNet Bridge - A group of Vietnamese teenagers allegedly were involved in the attack on the webchat of Anonymous, a notorious group of hackers.

Vietnam firms seeking e-wisdom

 VietNamNet Bridge – To build a successful mobile website, choosing a suitable domain name is the first priority, said Luong Thi Thanh Huong, managing director of the Mat Bao Network joint-stock company at a seminar in Quang Ninh Province

Advice for foreign home ownership in Vietnam

 VietNamNet Bridge – Although the Housing Law of 2014 created favorable conditions for foreigners to own houses here, buying a home is still no easy matter for foreigners given the legal complexity of the real estate sector in Vietnam.

Import tax to be slashed on automobile spare parts

 VietNamNet Bridge – Import tax on auto spare parts and components may be down to zero per cent next year, two years before schedule in 2018, under the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (FTA).

Poland's Next Top Model films in Vietnam

The audiences of the reality TV show Next Top Model will have a chance to see the beauty of Viet Nam and interesting challenges for the five top contestants at Poland's Next Top Model 2015 on TVN television channel in Poland

Life of hard work takes teen a long way

 VietNamNet Bridge – She worked long hours through primary school to support her mother, and when 18-year-old Vu Thi Tuyen finally got to go to university, she showed up with only $10 in her pocket. But she's still making it work.

Nepotism at Vietnam's banks

VietNamNet Bridge - Many commercial banks in Vietnam are controlled by families. The concentration of power could be a danger if the owners abuse the power.

Vietnam boosts ocean training

VietNamNet Bridge – Viet Nam has implemented Integrated Coastal Management solutions in ocean governance since the country joined the Partnership in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia in 2003,

MOET fiercely criticized for integrating history with other school subjects

VietNamNet Bridge - The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) has been facing fierce criticism for its proposal to integrate history into other learning subjects. 

Three destinations of Vietnam among SEA Best Places

 VietNamNet Bridge –The US-based travel website has revealed the list of 29 best places to visit in Southeast Asia, including Hoi An, Hanoi, and Ha Long Bay of Vietnam.

Beautiful moments of life in Central Vietnam

 VietNamNet Bridge – Beautiful photos of the landscape and life of people in central Vietnam are on display at the Photo Exhibition of Binh Dinh - Quang Ngai - Phu Yen.

Public debt unsustainable

VietNamNet Bridge - Spending too much while income is limited, according to experts, is the main reason behind the current worrying situation of public debt.

Tan Lap floating village, ideal for weekend holiday

 VietNamNet Bridge – Tan Lap floating village in Long An southern province, more than 60km from HCM City, is an attractive tourism destination at weekend, exclusively for young backpackers.

HCM City: Ads on buses to bring $7.6m a year

 VietNamNet Bridge – The approval granted recently by the HCM City People's Committee to carry advertisement hoardings on buses is expected to bring in hundreds of billions of dong to the city's coffers.

Sports News in Brief

 Duan wins third stage at cycling event from Gia Nghia to Buon Ma Thuot; Da Nang to host Skateboarding Championship; Hai Duong hosts Lining Cup

SBV needs state money to deal with weak finance institutions

VietNamNet Bridge - The bank restructuring process has been going on for four years, but the proposals on tax incentives for banks are still pending.

Licensed textile, dyeing projects raise major concerns

VietNamNet Bridge - State management agencies and scientists have voiced their concern over licensing of a series of textile and dyeing projects.