A family in the southern Binh Duong Province are proud to have probably the country's most giant-legged chicken. 


Phan Minh Hong and his Dong Tao chickens

The 14-month-old chicken of Dong Tao breed weighs 7.4 kilos but each of its legs weighs over a kilo.

The chicken's owner, Phan Minh Hong, said that some people have offered paying to VND50 million (USD2,239) for the bird but he refused.

"Although Dong Tao chickens are known their for big legs, mine has much bigger legs than others," Hong said. "I want to keep the chicken for breeding."

According to Pham Trong Phuong, a breeder in Dong Tao Commune in Hung Yen Province who has been raising the rare chicken breed for more than ten years, the fine specimen owned by Hong has the biggest legs in Vietnam so far.

"This is a very valuable chicken," Phuong said. "It could cost hundreds of millions of VND in a few more years.

Dong Tao chickens are very popular in Vietnam and were used by royalty and in ritual offerings. The rare breed is now preferred for its tasty meat.

An adult Dong Tao chicken can grow up to weigh three to six kilos, with legs as thick as a human’s wrist. 
