VietNamNet Bridge - Compared with the ranking of 2010, Vietnam’s Internet speed in 2015 has dropped by eight spots, ranking 17th in the Asia - Pacific region and 102nd in the world, according to the latest report of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).


The quality of Internet in Vietnam reached 4.28 points on a scale of 10, a significant improvement compared to the same period in 2010, with 3.61 points.

This report is based on ICT development indicators such as Internet speed, relative statistics of Internet users, and the proportion of residents having a computer.

The quality of Internet in Vietnam reached 4.28 points on a scale of 10, a significant improvement compared to the same period in 2010, with 3.61 points.

Meanwhile, Thailand rose 18 spots, the Philippines 7 spots, Cambodia 1 spot, and Laos fell by 3 steps. The average quality point in the region also improved at 0.72.

However, the internet of 17 countries in the Asia - Pacific region was still undervalued as they were in the 100 worst.

Globally, South Korea ranked first, followed by Denmark.

The remaining countries in the top five include Iceland, the UK and Sweden. The UK jumped from 10th to fourth after five years.

Australia ranked 13th, and Germany 14th, just above the US.

The country with the worst Internet was Chad. The countries ranked just above Chad were Malawi, Madagascar, Ethiopia and Eritrea.

The Internet quality score of South Korea is 8.93. High-speed Internet is available almost everywhere in Korea.

The quality and Internet access has improved globally. The evidence is the growing number of countries reaching 8 points.


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Nam Nguyen