Vietnamese and Lao legislative bodies should further enhance cooperation and share experience in building the institutional and legal systems, as well as supervising the execution of laws, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan said on July 17.


National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (R) hosts Lao NA Vice Chairman Sengnouane Xayalath

She made the recommendation at a reception for visiting Lao NA Vice Chairman Sengnouane Xayalath in Hanoi, during which Ngan extolled the outcomes of the talks between Vietnamese and Lao high-level parliamentary delegations.

The NA leader suggested the two legislative bodies create favourable legal and policy instruments for their governments to implement more effectively commitments and agreements reached by Vietnamese and Lao leaders via coordination to examine the implementation of the signed agreements.

Ngan expressed her pleasure at the effective cooperation between Ho Chi Minh City and Lao localities, saying the NA is ready to connect Vietnamese localities with those in Laos to exchange experience in the work of the People’s Councils.

She added that the Vietnamese NA and Government will join hands with the Lao counterparts to accelerate the construction of the Lao NA headquarters  as scheduled.

The facility will be a symbol of the traditional friendship and special solidarity between Vietnam and Laos, she stressed.

For his part, Xayalath said his ongoing visit to Vietnam aims to tighten the relations between Vietnamese and Lao Parties, States and peoples.

He conveyed the best regards from Lao top legislator Pany Yathotou to NA Chairwoman Ngan. 

At the talks with NA Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong earlier the same day, the two sides discussed various issues of mutual concerns, including the cooperation between the two countries’ parliaments with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and other countries. 

The guest also shared Laos’ socio-economic situation in the first six months of 2018 as well as the country’s efforts to reform administrative procedures and realise socio-economic development targets in the remainder of this year, especially exports and small-scale industry.

He highlighted the sound development between Vietnam and Laos over the recent past, referring to the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the signing of the Vietnam-Laos Treaty of Amity and Cooperation and the 55th anniversary of the establishment of the bilateral diplomatic ties in 2017.

Party leader receives visiting vice chairman of Lao NA


Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong (R) receives Vice Chairman of the Lao National Assembly Sengnouane Xayalath in Hanoi on July 17 

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong hosted a reception for Vice Chairman of the Lao National Assembly (NA) Sengnouane Xayalath in Hanoi on July 17.

Sengnouane Xayalath, who is also Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee Secretariat, expressed his delight at the growing special solidarity between the two countries while appreciating the enormous, timely and effective assistance Vietnam has given to Laos throughout history.

He briefed his host about recent activities of the Lao NA, particularly the outcomes of its fifth session, cooperation between the two parliaments, and the outcomes of the talks and working sessions with representatives of the Vietnamese NA.

The Lao NA will coordinate closely with its Vietnamese counterpart to effectively carry out the agreements reached by leaders of the two Parties, countries and National Assemblies, he added.

General Secretary Trong welcomed his guest’s visit, noting with satisfaction that the special solidarity has been developing in a result-oriented manner in all spheres, an achievement greatly contributed by the two NAs.

He spoke highly of the two legislative agencies’ cooperation, asking them to enhance sharing information and experience in making law, supervising and deciding important issues.

The Party leader also called on them to boost examining and promoting ministries, sectors and localities’ implementation of agreements between Vietnamese and Lao Parties, Governments and parliaments.

Vietnamese parliament treasures partnership with Lao counterpart


The talks between Vietnamese NA Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong and her Lao counterpart Sengnouane Xayalath 

The Vietnamese National Assembly always treasures the relationship with its Lao counterpart and supports the Lao NA at international forums, stated NA Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong during her talks with visiting Lao NA Vice Chairman Sengnouane Xayalat in Hanoi on July 17.

Phong congratulated Laos on the country’s achievements in both internal and external affairs after more than two years of implementing the resolution of the 10th National Congress of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party.

She briefed the guests on major activities of the NA of Vietnam, including the adoption of seven laws during the NA’s fifth session recently, results of supervision programmes and question-and-answer sessions along with the NA’s programme on building law and ordinance in 2019.

She clarified that in external activities, Vietnam pursues the policy of multilateralising and diversifying international relations, being a friend and a reliable and responsible partner in foreign relations, contributing to peace, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

The NA Vice Chairwoman showed her hope that the legislative bodies of both countries will continue strengthening the supervision over the implementation of signed agreements and creating optimal conditions for the growth of ties between the two Parties and countries.

For his part, Sengnouane Xayalat said that his visit aims to promote the traditional ties between the two countries and bolster the partnership between the two legislative bodies.

The Lao NA Vice Chairman informed his host that during the recent sitting, the Lao NA discussed a number of issues related to poverty reduction, some major projects and a report on socio-economic development in the first six months of 2018 as well as a number of orientations and tasks for the rest of the year.

He said he hopes the Vietnamese side will share with Laos experience in external affairs. The two sides should increase the exchange of delegations at high and local levels, while continue supporting each other at parliamentary forums, he added.