The incident occurred at around 18:00 in the province’s Tam Duong District.

The three deceased were identified as Chu Minh Q., aged 43, and residing in Vinh Yen City; Nguyen Van L., aged 40, a resident of Tam Dao District; and Hoang Thi Th., a 25-year-old woman in Vinh Yen City. The injured is Hoang Thi L., another resident of Vinh Yen City.

According to local authorities, when these four were helping clean up a house affected by torrential rains, a wall suddenly collapsed and buried them.

On being notified of the accident, competent forces were dispatched to the scene to search for and rescue the victims. On the same night, the four victims were pulled out from under the debris.

The bodies of the three deceased were then handed over to their families.

Nhi Tien