As the exchange rate between USD and Vietnamese dong has surged in the past two months, exporters are eager for extra profits they can earn for each batch of goods. However, importers will have to pay more for their goods.

Each year, Aprocimex, a company operating in agriculture sector, has to import nearly 25 million USD worth of goods for manufacturing materials, therefore foreign exchange rate fluctuations are a huge concern.

Despite rapid increases in the exchange rate with about 1.6 percent since June, the company has not been affected by the fluctuation as it has prepared its financial plan.

Doan Trong Ly, Chairman of Aprocimex Import-export and food processing Joint Stock Company said: "Reasonably high or low exchange rate will not effect enterprises, but if it varies from 2- 3 percent then enterprises have to recalculate their financial resources." 

Importing nearly 1.3 million USD worth of materials, Viettrust JSC, however, estimated it may suffer a loss of nearly 22,000 USD due to exchange rate differences. However, thank to  Usance payable at sight Letter of credit (LC Upas), the company can save half of the loss. 

After signing the contract, the bank, on behalf of the company will make payment for the company’s partners in foreign currencies. This amount will be converted to Vietnamese dong and the enterprise will be charged in Vietnamese dong, therefore an decrease or increase in exchange rate will not hugely impact enterprises.

 Tran Van Son, Chairman of Viettrust JSC told reporters: "Late payment is usually applied for importing goods, our debt is in USD, if the exchange rate increases, we will suffer losses, but if the debt in Vietnamese dong, our business activity will be more stable."

Firms should also take the initiative in expanding markets and exporting goods to foreign markets as it can help increase profits for enterprises.-VNA