VietNamNet Bridge – The odd "initiative" of using cement as fertilizer was derived from a farmer from Long Hau village in Lai Vung district, Dong Thap province.


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When building a new house, Mr. Le Van Nuoi noticed that vegetables planted near a place where building workers washed their utensils grew well well without any fertilizer.

Nuoi thought that the vegetables developed thanks to the mortar and cement stuck on the utensils of building workers. Cement includes clinker.

Nuoi made a test with rice. He put down urea mixed with cement on a small area of rice and discovered that the trees in this area grew better than others in the same field. Nuoi’s odd initiative was transferred to other farmers in the region, who have reached the same conclusion as Nuoi.

The farmers have offered instructions on how long the fertilizer should be used and the ratio of cement and urea.

Mr. Mai Quoc Hau, Head of the Agriculture and Rural Development Division of Lai Vung district, said that the local authorities have known about the odd “initiative” of local farmers.

The division has sent some experts to work with farmers. Hau said he would report the case to the higher authorities for consideration because using cement as fertilizer was “very strange”.

Linh Nhat