VN films

Update news VN films

5 Vietnamese movies worth a watch on Netflix

Struggling for something new to watch on Netflix during social distancing? What about giving some classic Vietnamese movies a try?

Free screening week to mark 21st Vietnam Film Festival

A week of free film screenings is to be launched in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City from November 6 to 12 to commemorate the 21st Vietnam Film Festival, which will take place later this month.


Action, comedy most popular Vietnamese cinema genres

Fifty-seven percent of Vietnamese citizens favor action movies while 54 percent are fond of comedy, a recent survey shows.

Summer brings new VN films

 VietNamNet Bridge – Private film companies are releasing dramas, fantasies and comedies this summer as cinemas in HCM City continue to screen more locally made movies.

VN films to screen at Laos film fest

 VietNamNet Bridge – Two films will serve as the official entries of Viet Nam at the Luang Prabang Film Festival in Laos.