VietNamNet Bridge – A 7-year-old girl in Hanoi can distinguish colors, paint pictures and read books blindfolded.

This special girl is living in Phu Do Village, Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi. 

A reporter of Nguoi Dua Tin online newspaper visited the girl at her home to test her special skills.

The girl, named Cam Linh, was blindfolded by a piece of black cloth, which had been tested by the reporter. The reporter gave the girl a piece of paper in red and asked her what color the paper was. After a while, the child said “red”.

The child then read the book “Cinderella”, and some messages on the reporter’s smartphone and colored a painting.

The child’s mother said that her daughter knows the color of things put inside a ceramic bowl and can sit in one room and know the color of the wall in another room.

The mother, Ms. Nguyen Thi Xuan, said her daughter’s special skills were exposed after the child attended a training course entitled “brain development”, which was offered for the first time in Hanoi this summer. At the class, kids are taught how to use their brain energy to do special things.

Xuan said the class is for kids from 6 to 15 years old and her daughter was considered to have special talent.

The woman said there were four levels of training and her child is now at level one.

The higher level the people reach, the more they can do complicated things, such as moving objects by brain waves, looking through a wall, cycling on the road blindfolded,the woman said.

Xuan said that teachers at the training center where her daughter was being trained explained that as the brain energy emits light, people can distinguish colors blindfolded.

According to themother, the cost was VND14 million (nearly $700). 

The mother said she hoped that her daughter would be more intelligent after the course.

Linh Nhat