A national vaccination information management system was launched on March 24 in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam.


At the launching ceremony

Addressing the launching ceremony, Deputy PM Dam said the system, jointly developed by domestic and international health experts, is applied in all grassroots-level medical stations, covering vaccination management and people’s health monitoring.

The government has instructed the Health Ministry to update people’s personal and health information available in the database of the Vietnam Social Insurance Agency into the system, Dam said, adding that the work needs to be done immediately and continuously.

He requested the health sector and localities to actively and continuously deploy the system in all health facilities at all levels.

Dam also called on software developers to join the programme, saying that numerous applications are needed to manage the data on people’s health.

After 30 years, the national expanded immunisation programme has proven effective in preventing and controlling epidemics. Over 60 million doses of vaccines have been provided free of charge for children and women.

However, the programme has faced numerous difficulties, particularly in managing vaccinators because of population development, changes in residences and mothers’ failure to remember their children’s vaccination schedules. 

The national vaccination information management system was developed by the military-run Viettel Group in 2015. It was piloted in five provinces and cities and will be deployed in the entire country in June.

The system is expected to help save time and costs for monitoring vaccination records of all residents during their whole lives.