Measures to enhance Vietnam-Singapore economic, trade and investment partnerships were among issues mentioned at a meeting between President Tran Dai Quang and Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Hanoi on March 23.

President Tran Dai Quang (R) shakes hands with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. 

President Quang said Singapore has continually been a leading economic, trade and investment partner of Vietnam, elaborating that the two countries’ Connectivity Framework Agreement has been implemented effectively while Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Parks (VSIPs) are being expanded to the northern and central regions of Vietnam.

The solid political relationship has helped step up economic ties as well as cooperation in defence, security, science-technology, education-training, education and people-to-people exchange.

Vietnam is prioritising the production of high-quality agricultural products, he said, asking Singapore to facilitate its products to access the Singaporean market and, through Singapore, to make inroads into other countries.

He also hoped that the Singaporean Government will encourage the country’s businesses to invest in and expand hi-tech and food industry parks in Thanh Hoa province and the software park in Da Nang city while building another VSIP in Quang Tri province.

PM Lee, who is on an official visit to Vietnam, noted with satisfaction the growing strategic partnership between the two countries, adding that sound political relations have provided a driving force for economic, trade and investment links.

Singapore wants to work with Vietnam to build hi-tech and software parks. It also hopes to promote cooperation in cyber security, he said.

Voicing his delight at Singapore’s effective investments in Vietnam, he stressed his country’s ministries and sectors are working hard to bolster connections with Vietnam such as in agriculture. His country is actively cooperating with Vietnamese suppliers to ensure Vietnam’s agricultural products will be qualified for entering this market.

At the meeting, the two leaders shared the view on the need for a region of peace, stability, security, safety and development. They also voiced concerns about increasing terrorism and piracy in the region.

PM Lee highlighted the countries’ good coordination in ASEAN and other multilateral mechanisms, as well as in the East Sea issue, free trade promotion, and new-generation free trade agreements like TPP and RCEP.

President Quang asked both sides strengthen collaboration in security-defence and anti-terrorism and crime information and experience sharing. He also asked Singapore to continue bringing into play its role as the coordinator of ASEAN-China relations, and to push for the finalisation and effective enforcement of a quality code of conducts (COC) of parties in the East Sea.

He echoed the Singaporean PM’s viewpoint on challenges facing ASEAN, adding that the bloc should intensify solidarity, cooperation and consensus to jointly resolve relevant challenges. He highly valued Singapore’s role in the region and the world and hoped that the two countries will boost coordination and consultation at regional and global events.

The Vietnamese leader took this opportunity to invite PM Lee to attend the 25th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting slated for this November in Da Nang city. PM Lee thanked and expressed the readiness to participate in the event.

Vietnam legislature delighted with ties with Singapore

National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has expressed her delight at the robust and effective development of bilateral ties with Singapore via the Party, State, National Assembly and government channels over the past years. 


National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (R) and Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong 

During a meeting with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Hanoi on March 23, she lauded the regular exchange of all-level visits and cooperation between the two legislatures on bilateral and multilateral aspects, saying that both sides have facilitated visits by parliament leaders and members of specialised committees to increase political ties, mutual understanding and professional experience. 

Informing the guest that the 14th Vietnamese National Assembly established the Vietnam-Singapore Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group in November 2016, the host expressed her wish that Singapore would set up a Singapore-Vietnam Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group to serve as a bridge connecting the two legislatures. 

According to her, bilateral connections across trade, investment, national defence-security, culture, and people-to-people exchange have thrived, notably the Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) which has become a symbol of successful and mutually-beneficial cooperation between the two nations. 

She said she is satisfied with the effective bilateral collaboration in education, tourism and people-to-people exchange, noting that 12,000 Vietnamese nationals living in Singapore are helping step up the two countries’ ties. 

On ASEAN coordination, the top legislator said the two countries should actively increase solidarity and exchange, as well as the bloc’s central role and its pro-activeness in regional issues, contributing to creating an environment of peace, stability and cooperation. 

Singaporean PM Lee, for his part, informed the host of the outcomes of his talks with PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc, saying that both sides witnessed the signing of cooperation agreements on electricity and the construction of additional VSIP, among others.

He believed that the two nations hold huge potential for economic cooperation and exchanges between the two legislatures will continue bringing practical benefits. 

On the occasion, the guest also visited the Vietnam National Assembly House.

On the day, Vietnam and Singapore issued a joint statement on the occasion of the official visit to Vietnam by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his spouse from March 21-24.

Party General Secretary hosts Singapore’s Prime Minister


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong (R) receives Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Nguyen Phu Trong spoke highly of the cooperation between the CPV and the People’s Action Party of Singapore.

Meeting Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in Hanoi on March 23, he expressed his hope that the two parties will continue working closely through visits and experience sharing.

The Party chief was delighted with the two countries’ productive and trustworthy cooperation and suggested Singapore share more experience, support businesses to tap the respective cooperative potentials, promote people-to-people exchange, and collaborate well at regional and international forums, particularly in ASEAN.

The two countries should continue focusing on deploying agreed contents of the strategic partnership to make their cooperation practical, he said.

He highly valued the Singaporean Government’s assistance in human resources training and development.

PM Lee briefed his host of the productive outcomes of his talks with Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and stated that the Singaporean Government always treasures bolstering multi-dimensional cooperation with Vietnam.

The visiting leader also noted that Singapore attaches importance to promoting its strategic partnership with Vietnam and is willing to share its experience in fields of its strength.

He also affirmed that Singapore will continue working together with Vietnam in implementing the ASEAN Community as well as at regional and international forums.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and his spouse are on an official visit to Vietnam at the invitation of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc from March 21-24.

PM Lee held talks with PM Phuc and met with President Tran Dai Quang earlier on the day.