A stable macro-economy, quality of growth and speedy economic restructuring are constant goals of the Party and the Government, a senior Party official said yesterday.

Receiving an International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation in Ha Noi, Nguyen Van Bình, head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission, also said that particular attention is being paid to bad debts and reforming the banking system.

Binh told the delegation led by Alex Moumoura that the nation appreciates the IMF’s support for Viet Nam, especially in policy consultations, which have proved effective.

He also informed the delegation about outcomes of the 12th National Party Congress’s fourth plenum, focusing on several major policies initiated to renew the nation’s growth model, improve labour output and enhance economic competitiveness.

Moumoura briefed Binh about the IMF’s assessment of Việt Nam’s macro-economic, fiscal and monetary-banking prospects and made several recommendations on the reform of public finance, commercial banks and State-owned enterprises.