VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnamese children are entering puberty sooner than their grandparents and need counseling about various sensitive matters. Some of the cases that have recently occurred include:


Students need counseling

1. Some months ago, a secondary schoolboy in Da Nang City broke his leg as he crawled to the first-floor eave and jumped down to the school yard. 

Only after he recovered and came out of hospital did his teachers and friends realize that he did the move because of a challenge worth VND25,000.

The boy was born into a family without a father. Because of many reasons, the mother had to leave him in an orphanage. When he was five years old, he was reunited with the mother and her new family, where he lived in easy circumstances with love from the mother and stepfather.

However, the comfortable life caused psychological shock to the boy. Given a luxury smartphone, the boy spent all his time playing games with the phone and cherished the illusion that he could become a superman. He told his friends that he could jump from the first floor eaves to the school yard and after friends promised to give him VND25,000.

2. A teacher in Hanoi said she received a call from a stranger one day, who introduced himself as the parent of her student. The parent asked for the student’s two days off because of illness. 

As the phone number was unfamiliar, the teacher decided to ring the student’s parents back at the phone numbers they gave and found that the caller was a fake parent. The student was not ill. He wanted to play truant and tried to act as his father to call the teacher. 

Vietnamese children are entering puberty sooner than their grandparents and need counseling about various sensitive matters.

The teacher commented that at their age, secondary school students prefer entertainment and pleasure to study, and often try to play truant but are not aware of the consequences brought by their behaviors.

“Neglecting their studies is a big problem of many students. I know even obedient students who also play hooky sometimes,” the teacher warned. “What will happen if students don’t go to school and join gangs of street children instead?” 

3. Nguyen Thi Thao Suong, deputy headmaster of Phan Chau Trinh High School, said a boy and a girl in the same class loved each other and had improper behavior in the class. 

The problem is that the students did not receive advice about how they should act in public. The counseling division at the school now proves to be more important than ever.


Psychological counseling division to be mandatory at VN schools

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Thanh Lich