With the deep-rooted affection for the country of temples, a group of volunteer experts in Cambodia has set up a programme supporting Cambodian students in Vietnam. To date, as many as 100 students have been benefited from the programme. 

Duch Somphos – a 3rd-year under graduate of Hanoi Architectural University.

No longer be a newcomer, now the Cambodian student has got used to the life in Vietnam.

Today, Duch Somphos and his two Cambodian friends have an appointment with a very special man, whom they tenderly call Uncle Việt.

Their sponsor, Mr. Vũ Vương Việt, was a volunteer expert in Cambodia in the 1980s.

With his deep-rooted affection for the country of temples, Việt has to date sponsored nearly 10 Cambodian students in Hanoi.

To the Cambodian students, Việt’s family is like a second home far away from home. They come to him not only to receive supports but also to share their joys and sorrows when living abroad.

To these students, the experience of their time in Vietnam under the warm care of the former volunteer expert will never be forgotten.

Việt is only one among many former Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts participating in a programme called “Nurturing the seeds of friendship” under which they sponsor Cambodian students in the country.

The programme, initiated by the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Association, aims at strengthening the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Cambodia since their diplomatic ties were established 50 years ago.

Since 2012, as many as 100 Cambodian students have received enthusiastic supports and sponsors from the programme. 

Initiated as a model of individuals sponsoring students, now the programme has expanded with more types of sponsorships.

True to its name, the programme is step by step nurturing the seeds that make the relationship between Vietnam and Cambodia grow in depth with higher efficiency.