Up to 3,288 petitions lodged by voters were collected by the Viet Nam Fatherland Front (VFF) and the National Assembly Standing Committee for the ongoing third session of the  14th NA.


VFF President Nguyen Thien Nhan made the announcement while delivering a collective report on voters' complaints and suggestions to the NA.

Among them, 741 comments were given to the NA’s delegations. The rest of 2,547 were collected by the VFF.

A large number of voters praised the Government and local administrations for seriously implementing resolutions of the Party and NA, especially massive measures to stabilize the macro-economy and socio-economic growth.

However, some voters and people were concerned about the weaknesses that are yet to be addressed, including unstable economic growth, low growth and competitiveness quality; high public debt, poor labor productivity, slow economic restructuring, environmental pollution, food hygiene, corruption, social vices, traffic accidents, and landslides in river banks and coastal areas.

Accelerating agricultural restructure

Voters and people hailed the Government, the PM, some ministries, agencies, and localities for focusing on solutions to improving the business and investment environment; raise national competitiveness index; and  encourage business start-up, thus contributing to rising the number of newly-founded businesses.

However, they noted that besides the business boom, the number of suspended and dissolved enterprises were on the rise. Smuggling cases, especially relating to tobacco, remained complicated.

Voters and people suggested the NA and Government perfect policies to create a favorable environment for business and production development; and encourage innovation and technological reform.

They suggested the Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development, Industry and Trade, other ministries, localities accelerate the restructuring of agricultural sector; develop the processing industry; and boost connectivity among the State, peasants, enterprises, scientists, and banks; and develop high-tech farming.

Managing natural resources

Voters and people acknowledged the Government’s efforts to perfect laws and policies to manage natural resources and environment; define responsibility and punish violators of the serious maritime environmental incident in the Central region; and inspect construction and the operation of coal-fuelled thermo-power plants in some localities.

However, they were concerned about the illegal mining of sand and a series of landslides in river banks and coastal areas in the Central and Southern Regions, which directly affected people’s lives and production.

As uncontrolled afforestration in other localities caused negative impacts on the environment, voters demanded to clearly define who would take responsibility for and tough punishments on violators.

Supervising food hygiene

The Government and the health sector have attached importance to implementing national target programs to protect people’s health and prevent serious epidemics.

Nevertheless, voters still complained about the poor medical service quality at rural and far-reaching areas; overloading at provincial and central hospitals; and weak performance of private medical clinics.

Especially, agricultural production, the preservation and processing of unsafe food have yet been put under control, leading to the rising rate of food poisoning cases. Voters and people recommended the NA, the People’s Councils, and the VFF and its chapters at all levels improve their supervisory task. They proposed the Government to take drastic measures to instruct ministries and issue regulations on production, processing, storage, and consumption of hygiene food; strengthen investigations; and impose tough punishments on violators.

On this occasion, voters and people also voiced concerns about the quality of education, the fight against corruption and wastefulness; crime combat; disciplinary actions, especially those against violated Party members and public staff.