Voters in different localities voiced their wish that the National Assembly, Government and localities will give the priority to development investment, focusing public investment on key areas, after watching a live-broadcast discussion as part of the 6th session of the 14th legislature on October 29.


A plenum of the 6th session of the 14th National Assembly.

Dr. Nguyen Quang Minh from the Economic Faculty of Thu Dau Mot University in the southern province of Binh Duong underlined the need for specific regulations on the efficiency of public spending for each type of project.

Projects should be considered scientifically, as there remains wastefulness in many public investment projects, Minh added.

Tran Hoang Huan, Vice President of the Business Association of the Mekong Delta province of Tien Giang, proposed the Government pay attention to removing difficulties for businesses and speeding up the disbursement of public investment in line with administrative procedure reform to promote the effectiveness of public investment.

It is essential to expand investment in infrastructure serving remote areas, disadvantaged provinces and potential localities whose infrastructure remains poor, particularly those in the Mekong Delta region, Huan suggested.

According to Huan, discussions at the ongoing sixth session have drawn much attention from voters, especially entrepreneurs, as they can help orient businesses’ investment, thus generating more jobs and ensuring social welfare.

Meanwhile, voter Nguyen Minh Chau, former Director of the Southern Fruit Research Institute, stated that during the discussions, NA deputies had mentioned many issues of people’s concern related to socio-economic development. Chau appreciated explanations of Government members on some matters and solutions.

Dau Trong Hien, CEO of the Smart System Co., Ltd., called on the Government to carry out more simply procedures to support scientific research and loans for technology development to help domestic enterprises better compete with foreign ones.

Lawmakers on October 29 discussed outcomes of the implementation of the State budget estimate for 2018; the State budget estimate, State budget allocation plan for 2019 and the national financial-budgetary plan for 2019-2021, and the allocation of the remaining budget and unused regular spending left from 2017.

Voters lauds performance outcomes of five-year financial plan


Vu Thi Luu Mai, a deputy of Hanoi, speaks at the working session. 

Voters have applauded the outcomes of the government’s implementation of the five-year financial plan and shown confidence in the sense of responsibility of legislators in discussions. 

Constituents expressed their opinions on October 29 after watching the live televised plenum of the 14th National Assembly during which deputies debated the results of the performance of the State budget estimate for 2018; State budget estimate and allocation plan for 2019 and the mid-term review of the materialisation of the public investment plan and national finance during the 2016-2020 period. 

Nguyen Van Chien, a voter in the Red River Delta province of Nam Dinh, said reports presented at the working session reflected the government’s efforts in completing socio-economic targets. 

The country’s macro-economy was stabilized, while inflation was controlled, the gross domestic product (GDP) enjoyed high growth, social welfare was ensured, and living standards and income of people were improved, he added. 

Chien said major projects carried out over the past time have been seen as “levers” for national economic development and administrative reform. 

He, however, voiced his concern over the stagnant progress of many major projects, and suggested identifying the focus of public investment to avoid wastefulness, and cutting administrative procedures. 

Suitable policies should be rolled out to support small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), cooperatives and household businesses, and to create favourable conditions for production and business. 

Voter Huynh Quang Ta, also in Nam Dinh province, said national target programmes for 2016-2020 have contributed to improving the material and spiritual life of people, especially those in rural, remote, border and island areas. 

Deputies have promoted the high sense of responsibility by proposing many solutions to difficulties facing the country and localities as well. 

Representatives of ministries and agencies cleared up various issues, offering legislators and voters an insight into national socio-economic situation and creating a foundation for the supervision of the implementation of solutions set forth during the session, he said.