VietNamNet Bridge – The awning of a charity house in the southern city of Vung Tau suddenly collapsed on July 30 afternoon, killing three women and injuring a three-year-old boy.


The eave of a house collapsed on Sunday, killing three people in Vung Tau City’s Long Son Commune. 

On the afternoon of July 30, three women and a 3-year-old boy were sitting under the eaves of a house in Long Son commune, Vung Tau city. Suddenly, the awning of about 7m long, 4m high, collapsed, killing the three women on the spot and injuring the boy.
Of the three dead victims, one was the owner of the house.

Mr. Le Xuan Tu, Chairman of Long Son Commune, said the house with the collapsed awning was a charity house for the poor, built in 2010. 

The charity house built in 2010 was funded by the Vung Tau City Women’s Union and the house owner, according to Le Xuan Tu, secretary of the commune’s Party Committee and chairman of the commune’s People’s Committee.

The People’s Committee has offered VND3 million (US$130) to each victim’s family and VND1 million ($43) for the boy.  

Several organisations in the city have also collected a total of VND30 million ($1,300) to give to the victims.

Mai Lan