Warning given to former Minister-Chairman of Government Office hinh anh 1
Former Minister-Chairman of the Government Office Mai Tien Dung (Photo: VNA)

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang has signed a decision to impose a disciplinary measure of warning on Mai Tien Dung, former member of the Party Central Committee, former Secretary of the Party Committee and former Minister-Chairman of the Government Office for his violations and shortcomings in his work.

Earlier on January 13, the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat decided to give warning to Dung as a disciplinary measure for his violations related to repatriation flights of Vietnamese citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The disciplinary measure is effective from the date of the announcement of the Party Central Committee’s decision dated January 14, 2023.

After considering proposal of the Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission, the Secretariat found that Dung, in his capacity as Minister-Chairman of the Government Office, had violated the principle of democratic centralism, the Party's regulations and the State's laws; showed a lack of responsibility for organising flights to bring citizens back to the country during the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing some officials of the Government Office officials to take bribes.

Dung's violations caused serious consequences, undermined the reputation of the Party organisation and State administrative agencies./. VNA