In just over a month, the waste treatment factory of Phu Ha Environment Ltd., Company has disrupted the lives of locals in this central province's Ky Anh District.


Smoke, foul smell and noise from Phu Ha Environment Ltd. Company are disrupting the lives of locals in Ha Tinh province. — Photo



All the areas near the Nam Xuan Son Hamlet, in Ky Tan Commune, where the factory is located, are covered with smoke emitted from the factory's chimney, accompanied by a foul smell and burnt smell due to the incineration activities.

Of the 31 affected families, Nguyen Thi N's family has to bear the most serious consequences.

"There is no other way for me than to leave my hometown. We cannot live in our own house since the factory started functioning. The whole house is always smoky, smelly, and noisy round the clock. With flies everywhere, the situation is miserable," N said.

N's family had to move into a temporary tent which is 200 metres from her house, but the living conditions are no better.

"We are now faced an impasse. Cooking a meal is also very difficult because of the flies. Most households have to eat their meals sitting inside mosquito nets to avoid the flies," Hoang Van D, said.

"The plant is located at a higher level than the houses of locals, causing rainwater mixed with waste to flow into the homes when it rains," N added.

These locals reported the problems to the authorities but the situation has not improved even as Tet (the Lunar New Year) approaches.

"If the authorities don't come up with any solutions, we will have to put up obstacles to prevent vehicles from transporting waste to the plant," a local said.

Local authorities have no solution

Le Van Phang, Chairman of commune People's Committee, said the version of the residents was true. The factory had promised to spray chemicals to reduce the flies, but it had not helped.

"According to the initial plan, the plant had to be built 600 metres from the present position and located in the mountainous area, but we don't know why it was built in the crowded resident area as it is now," Phang said.

Nguyen Giang Dong, vice-head of natural resources and environment department in the district said there were two plants, one to treat domestic waste, and the other to treat industrial waste. The place in the mountainous area is used for building an industrial treatment factory.

However, none of the agencies concerned have found a solution to "rescue" the locals.

Phu Ha Environment Ltd. Company, whose head-office is located in the northern province of Phu Tho, in September last year was reportedly discharging wastewater into the rice fields in Minh Phu Commune, the province's Doan Hung District, either killing the crop.