VietNamNet Bridge - Vietnamese policymakers want Vietnam to be one of the first countries to deploy 5G by 2020.


With significant technological improvements, a 5G network can help speed up connections, reduce signal latency, and increase the number of connected devices at the same time. It can also give a strong push to the digital economy.

Technologically, Vietnam is capable of officially deploying 5G by 2020. Telcos’ engineers have updated new technologies through their networks and partners. 

Meanwhile, international solution and device suppliers have repeatedly urged Vietnam to join the ‘5G playing field’.

Many Vietnamese policymakers think early deployment of 5G would be better for Vietnam, especially in the context of the 4.0 industry revolution.

Experts all say that the 4.0 revolution will have a big impact on socio-economic life. However, there have been warnings that the impact would be most clearly seen in countries switching from 3.0 to 4.0 revolution. 

With significant technological improvements, a 5G network can help speed up connections, reduce signal latency, and increase the number of connected devices at the same time. It can also give a strong push to the digital economy.

The infrastructure conditions and development level of Vietnam are lower, which means that the impact would be seen on a narrower scale and in certain fields.

The same prediction has also been given about the 5G network, since it will be not simple to have 5G cover the entire country.

Minister of Information and Communication Nguyen Manh Hung said at a recent event that Vietnam would be one of the first countries to deploy 5G. 

However, he said that if the 5G coverage throughout the country is impossible, 5G must be available at least in Hanoi and HCM City.

It is not technology and engineers’ qualifications, but market capacity which Vietnam needs to think about when deploying 5G, Hung said.

Just several years after 2G technology appeared, Vietnam joined the world’s top 20 in mobile networks. However, in the next 30 years, Vietnam stood below the world’s average level in broadband subscriber density. The major demands of Vietnamese subscribers were just voice calls and messages.

It is estimated that Vietnam has 13 million mobile subscribers with data connections, which account for 30 percent of total subscribers. 

The data connections are mostly used for entertainment purposes, especially social media. Experts said the demands can be satisfied with 3G or 4G networks.

An analyst says that it is too early for Vietnam to think of 5G when the demand is still slow and the 4G quality is still below standards. At present, the 4G transmission line speed is just several times higher than 3G, not 10 times as per technical indicators.


5G key to digital economy

VN policies to speed development of 5G network

Thanh Lich