Phuc Dat Bich may be an interesting and favourite name to many Vietnamese people.


Phuc Dat Bich (Bich is family name, Phuc Dat means happiness and success) is name of a National Australian Bank worker living in Australia. But the 23-year-old Vietnamese-Australian man was in trouble with his name.

He said he had his Facebook account shut down multiple times and was accused of using a false and misleading name.

He took to Facebook to air frustration about his name in January.

He said he found people's disbelief of his name and posted a photo of his passport to prove he was telling the truth. And some friends of him affirmed it was his real name.

The original post, that was up on his Facebook in January, has received almost 160,400 likes and shared 84,000 times.

Yesterday, on his Facebook, Phuc Dat Bich thanked fans for support on mission to prove his name real.

Phuc Dat Bich is pronounced as Vietnamese pronunciation sounds something like "Phoo Da Bic". However, in English, his name can be pronounced as an offensive profanity.

Vietnamese parents should maybe consider how names sound in English, especially if they live in an English-speaking country.