what’s on

Update news what’s on

Exhibition on lesbian couples to open in Hanoi

 The Lộ sáng (Exposed) exhibition will open at 4pm on February 21 at the Việt Nam University of Fine Arts, 42 Yết Kiêu Street.

South Korean orchestra coming to Hanoi

The string JK Chamber Orchestra of the Republic of Korea is due to perform at the Vietnam National Accademy of Music’s Grand Concert Hall in Hanoi on February 18. 

Mong’s Festival brightens northwestern region

Gau Tao festival is the most important festival for Mong ethnic people in the northern mountainous province of Ha Giang. 

Vietnamese photographers win gold medals at India’s int’l photo contests

Vietnamese photographers won two gold medals at an international photo contest that was held by the Kotrung Uttarpara Photography Association in India with the support of the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP).

Vietnam's Thuy Duong stuns in Miss Heritage national costume segment

 Truong Thai Thuy Duong showcased Vietnam in spectacular fashion in the national costume segment of Miss Heritage Global 2017 (February 8-18) in Johannesburg, South Africa, donning a design by Tuan Hai.

Israeli films to delight Vietnamese audiences

 A number of outstanding Israeli films will be introduced in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City during the Israeli Film Festival, taking place February 24-March 6.

German spring cinema screened in Hanoi, HCM City

 The Goethe Institute is running its Spring Cinema season with one popular German film screened every Wednesday, starting February 15 in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

Vietnam's stunning pagodas lure visitors

 Pagodas can be seen across Vietnam. They not only play an important role in Vietnamese spiritual life, but are also a unique tourism product for the country. Let’s join us for a tour of renowned pagodas in the country.

Vietnam Traditional Festivals (Part 2)

 Vietnam Traditional Festivals (Part 2)

Vietnamese pop video tops views on Youtube

 Vietnamese pop singer Son Tung M-TP has once again become record breaker with his new hit Noi nay co anh (I Am Here).

Quang Ninh to hold cherry blossom festival next month

 The fifth cherry blossom festival is slated for March 11 – 15 in Ha Long City in the northern province of Quang Ninh, according to the municipal People’s Committee. 

Red Dao ethnic people boast 'stealing' festival

Red Dao ethnic people in Lai Chau boast a special festival during which sneaking into a home to steal things from it is not considered a crime. 

H’re customs and belief

 The H’re grow wet rice and other crops on terraced fields. Their religious practices are associated with rice.

First Vietnamese fashion designer to join Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2018

 Devon Nguyen will be the first Vietnamese fashion designer to participate in the Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2018 to be taken place from February 28-March 8.

“Beijing – ASEAN culture journey” comes to Hanoi

 A southern traditional cake festival will take place in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho from April 6 to 9.

Pianists gear up for contest in town

 The Music Training and Development Center under the HCM City Conservatory of Music will host the HCM City Piano Competition 2017 for local and international amateur and professional contestants aged between 6 and 24 from June 14-18.

Vietnamese model enters Top 6 at Mister International 2017

 Vietnamese representative Nguyen Tien Dat entered Top 6 of Mister International 2017 on the final night in Bangkok, Thailand on February 13.

Mosque - center of solidarity of Cham ethnic people in Tay Ninh

 Tay Ninh province has more than 3,000 Cham people who practice Islam. Their mosques are also cultural centers promoting solidarity among the Cham villages.

Relief printing on show at Hanoi exhibition

 Established artist Pham Khac Quang is showing his latest paintings which were created using a relief printing technique at an exhibition launched recently in Hanoi’s Goethe Institute. 

“The Vietnamese Kite” group in France preserves the Vietnamese language

 Two Vietnamese mothers in France have established a group called “The Vietnamese Kite” to teach Vietnamese children about their fatherland and preserve Vietnamese culture.