A whirlwind that swept across this central province early this morning blew away the roofs of 45 houses, while five people with injuries were admitted to hospital.

A damaged house in the province after the whirlwind early this morning.

The whirlwind took place at around 2am this morning when locals in Loc Ninh and Hai Ninh were sleeping.

In Loc Ninh, 32 houses were damaged and several trees fell. In Hai Ninh, the whirlwind blew away the roofs of 11 buildings and one house collapsed, due to which five members of a family were injured and had to be hospitalised.

Nguyen Thi Hoi, a local, said the whirlwind crossed over the area within five minutes, but it was very powerful.

Local authorities this morning assessed the damage and granted VNĐ2 million (approx US$90) as compensation to the household whose home was damaged and VNĐ5 million to the family that received injuries.

They also warned locals of the risks from the strong wind and heavy rainfall in the locality.